Beautiful Germany & Saxon National Park
Anda bisa mengenal Jerman dengan lebih rinci dengan mengikuti rute ini. Jerman memiliki kota yang penuh rahasia keindahan seperti kota-kota : Dresden, Nuremberg and Potsdam, dan wisata alam yang menceritakan keindahan di Saxon National Park, Danau Titisee dengan Black Forestnya dan menelusuri Sungai Rhine yang terkenal. Dan nikmati segelas bir di ibukota Bavaria, Munich.

Sore hari berkumpul di Airport Soekarno-Hatta untuk bersama-sama berangkat menuju FRANKFURT.
Pagi hari ini tiba di kota perdagangan FRANKFURT, Anda akan diajak city tour melewati ROMERPLATZ ( City Hall ), GEREJA CATHEDRAL, GOETHE HOUSE, OLD TOWN dan lain-lain. Kemudian diajak naik CRUISE menyusuri SUNGAI RHINE dari ST. GOAR ke BOPPARD (khusus musim panas) sambil menikmati keindahan alam. Sore hari menuju kota pusat mode Jerman DUSSELDORF. Bermalam di DUSSELDORF atau sekitarnya. (MS, MM)
Pagi hari diajak keliling kota DUSSELDORF mengunjungi OLD TOWN, pusat perbelanjaan KOENIGSALLE, dan lain-lain. Kemudian menuju kota terbesar ke dua Jerman dan kota kosmopolitan : HAMBURG. City tour di HAMBURG melewati PELABUHAN, daerah PERGUDANGAN sebagai ciri khas kota ini, CITY HALL (RATHAUS), DANAU ALSTER, pusat perbelanjaan NEUERWALL, taman-taman yang tersebar diseluruh kota sehingga mendapat julukan GREENEST CITY ( kota paling hijau di Jerman ), daerah ST. PAULI yang semarak, dan lain-lain. (MP, MS, MM)
Perjalanan hari ini menuju kota POSTDAM yang indah dihiasi dengan danau-danau dan taman-taman penghijauan. Anda diajak mengunjungi : SANSSOUCI PALACE yang anggun yang dibangun pada abad 8, CHINESE TEA HOUSE, melewati OLD MARKET SQUARE, NICOLAS CHURCH yang klasik, DUTCH QUARTER dengan bangunan–bangunan khas Belanda, OLD TOWN dan lain-lain. Bermalam di BERLIN atau sekitarnya. (MP, MS, MM)

City tour di BERLIN dengan mengunjungi CHECK POINT CHARLIE MUSEUM yang menggambarkan situasi sebelum Jerman Barat dan Timur bersatu, TEMBOK BERLIN, dan melewati OPERA HOUSE, SOVIET MEMORIAL, PINTU GERBANG BRANDENBURG, CITY HALL, REICHSTAG (GEDUNG PARLEMEN) yang megah, UNIVERSITAS TEHNIK BERLIN, BERLINER DOM, BERLIN CATHEDRAL, GEREJA CAESAR WILHEIM, BERLIN RAILWAY STATION yang merupakan stasiun kereta api terbesar di Jerman dengan gaya arsitektur modern abad 21, 17 JUNE AVENUE dan pusat perbelanjaan KURFURSTENDAM. (MP, MS, MM)
Hari ini perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju DRESDEN, kota terindah di Jerman. Anda diajak melewati OLD TOWN (yang dipugar kembali setelah hancur pada Perang Dunia II), CATHEDRAL HOFKIRCHE, SEMPER OPERA HOUSE, ISTANA ZWEINGER dan lain-lain. (MP, MS, MM)
Hari ini mengunjungi kota BASTEI di wilayah SAXON NATIONAL PARK untuk menikmati keindahan alam dengan formasi batuan yang sangat indah dan berkesan. Setelah itu menuju kota NUREMBURG yang terkenal sebagai kota produsen makanan terkenal khas Jerman seperti GINGERBREAD dan SAUSSAGE. City tour di NUREMBURG melewati NUREMBURG CASTLE, HAUPTMARKT dimana terdapat air mancur SCHONER BRUNNEN (BEAUTIFUL FOUNTAIN), CITY WALLS dimana terdapat
Hari ini diantar ke Airport untuk perjalanan kembali ke JAKARTA. (MP)
Dengan tibanya Anda di JAKARTA, maka berakhirlah perjalanan ini. Terima kasih atas keturut-sertaan Anda bersama WITA TOUR.

Alamat: Jl Sudirman No.15
Number : 081236766239


Termasuk Makan Siang Termasuk Makan Malam Generic placeholder image
10:00 Dijemput di Airport Seokarno Hatta
12:00 Makan Siang
14:00 Anda akan diantar langsung mengunjungi Kota Tua untuk melihat bagaimana    suasana jakarta tempo dulu
17:00 Sore hari anda akan diajakMengunjungi Monumen Nasional MONAS untuk berfoto di Icon Kota Jakarta ini
20:00 Makan Malam
22:00 Diantar kembali ke Hotel

 Termasuk Makan Pagi Termasuk Makan Malam Generic placeholder image
08:00 Makan Pagi di Hotel
09:00 Anda akan dijemput dan diantar ke DUnai Fantasi Ancol
11:00 Di Dunia Fantasi Ancol anda bisa menikmati berbagai macam atraksi kelas dunia disini
17:00 Sore hari anda akan diajak untuk menikmati suasana sore hari di kawasan pantai ancol
19:00 Makan Malam
21:00 Diantar kembali ke hotel

Termasuk Makan Pagi Generic placeholder image
08:00 Makan Pagi di Hotel
09:00 Anda akan dijemput sekaligus check out hotel
11:00 Wisata Belanja di Pusat Kawasan Perbelanjaan di Jakarta seperti Mangga Dua Mall atau ITC Cempaka Mas
15:00 Diantar menuju Airport
17:00 Kembali ke Kota Asal Tour Selesai

Alamat: Jl Sudirman No.15
Number : 081236766239

Syarat & Ketentuan
Harga Sudah Termasuk
1. Hotel Bintang 4 atau setaraf
2. Transportasi Kendaraan Full Driver BBM Tol dan Parkir
3. Makan sesuai itenerary
4. Tiket Masuk Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
5. Tiket Terusan Dunia Fantasi Ancol

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Pantai Pandawa adalah salah satu pantai di Bali yang sering dikunjungi dan masuk di wilayah Kuta Selatan tepatnya Desa Kutuh. Dikarenakan pantai ini berada di balik perbukitan, maka pantai ini mendapatkan julukan Secret Beach. Di sekitar Pantai Pandawa terdapat 2 tebing sangat besar dan di salah satu sisi terdapat pahatan yang menggambarkan tokoh Pandawa Lima dan Kunti. Kelima patung Pandawa yaitu Yudhistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula dan Sadewa.

Selain sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata serta olahraga air, Pantai Pandawa dimanfaatkan pula untuk membudidayakan rumput laut sebab kontur pantainya yang landai, didukung pula oleh ombaknya yang tak sampai garis pantai. Keindahan pantai ini tidak diragukan lagi. Hamparan pasir putih yang terhampar tampak mempesona. Air pantainya pun bersih dan jernih.

Cara Menuju ke Pantai Pandawa

Pemerintahan di Badung telah membukakan akses yang lebih mudah untuk mencapai Pantai Pandawa yakni membangun jalan sepanjang sekitar 1,5 kilometer untuk menuju pantai dan melewati tebing kapur yang kokoh. Jangan khawatir mengenai kondisi jalan raya menuju pantai ini, karena cukup mudah dilalui. Wisatawan yang melalui jalan tersebut bahkan akan disambut oleh pemandangan unik sebab diapit oleh tebing-tebing kokoh yang sudah dibelah.

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Benteng Fort Rotterdam, atau yang akrab juga disebut dengan Benteng Ujung Pandang, merupakan peninggalan bersejarah dari Kesultanan Gowa yang pernah berjaya pada abad ke-17.Kesultanan ini sebenarnya memiliki 17 buah benteng yang mengitari Makassar, yang menjadi ibukota kesultanan. Tetapi benteng yang paling  megah di antara benteng-benteng lainnya adalah benteng Fort Rotterdam. Hingga saat ini, keaslian benteng masih terpelihara.

Lokasi benteng mudah dijangkau karena terletak di dalam kota Makassar, tepatnya berada di depan pelabuhan laut kota Makassar. Jaraknya sekitar dua kilometer dari Pantai Losari. Dengan gaya arsitektur era 1600-an, benteng ini terlihat mencolok dari bangunan.

Benteng ini dibangun pada tahun 1545, oleh Raja Gowa X, yaitu Imanrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung atau Karaeng Tunipalanga Ulaweng. Seperti halnya arsitektur benteng yang bergaya Portugis, benteng ini berbentuk segi empat, dan berbahan dasar campuran batu dan tanah liat yang dibakar hingga kering. Pada masa pemerintahan Raja Gowa XIV, tembok benteng kemudian diganti menjadi batu padas berwarna hitam.
Pada masa penjajahan Belanda, sebagian benteng ini pernah porak-poranda akibat pecahnya perang antara armada perang VOC yang dipimpin oleh Gubernur Jendral Admiral Cornelis Janszoon Speelman dengan Kesultanan Gowa sejak tahun 1666. Penyerangan itu sendiri bertujuan untuk menguasai jalur perdagangan rempah-rempah dan sekaligus memperluas daerah kekuasaan Belanda. Setelah menggempur Kesultanan Gowa selama setahun lebih, pasukan perang pimpinan Speelman berhasil menang dan memaksa Sultan Hasanuddin menandatangani Perjanjian Bongaya pada tanggal 18 November 1667.Bagian benteng yang hancur kembali dibangun oleh Gubernur Jenderal Speelman tapi disesuaikan dengan gaya arsitektur Belanda. Benteng yang tadinya berbentuk persegi empat dan memiliki empat bastion, ditambah lagi dengan satu bastion di sebelah barat. 

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Report on Sea Field Travel on Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach

 Hello friends ... Assalamualaikum. How are you now? I hope you are alright. Usually, to get to know someone, we must first get acquainted. So, let me introduce myself. My name is Fitri. And this is my first blog. On 10 - 11 October 2019, we have conducted Marine Field Trip for 2 days 1 night. We visited Dutungan Island in Barru District, and Paputo Beach in Pare-Pare City. Our trip was very pleasant. Do you want to know? Alright, I will tell my experience. So, before leaving we had done a simulation to become a tour guide. We were guided by our seniors named Sardika and Didit. They were very kind and fun, we were also allowed to ask questions about them, and they gave tips and tricks on how to be a fun and interesting tour guide. Day 1 On October 10, 2019, precisely on Thursday, we gather in front of the orange building before 6:00 in the morning, because we will be absent at 6:00 in the morning, and for students who pass at 6:00 in the morning, we will be given sanctions that we WB. And we were given luggage tags to put in our bags respectively. At 07.00 in the morning, we immediately took the bus and sat according to the chairs arranged. After everyone sits neatly on the bus, we explain as a tour guide on the bus while traveling alternately according to the scheduled performance schedule. We pay attention to each other's direction given by our friends. during the walk we really enjoyed your trip and the driver took us safely to the destination. and we we headed to one of the islands in Barru called Durungan Island. during the walk we really enjoyed our trip and the driver took us safely to our destination. and we we headed to one of the islands in Barru called Durungan Island our activity there was diving

After we did diving activities on the island of dutungan we headed to the Delima Sari hotel to check in and prepare dinner at the penyet ria chicken restaurant. after we had dinner at the restaurant we returned to the hotel to prepare a group presentation. After our presentation, each group showed performances. after that we returned to our respective rooms to rest.

At 04.30 we made a morning call there were some of our friends who served on the morning call. after that we were all ready to go to the habibi and Ainun monuments. After that we returned to the hotel to get ready to check out and have breakfast, after breakfast we headed to the white sand beach of Paputo to observe the location.

After we made observations in paputo, we headed to the new empang terrace for lunch but that day was friday so we were separated because men headed for the Friday prayer mosque and women departed first on the new empang terrace and we enjoyed our lunch happily.

 After we had lunch at the new terrace empang we returned to Makassar and we arrived safely okay maybe I can tell you about my experience waiting for my next story in the next field trip.

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Day 1
We left the campus at 08.00 and headed to Barru district for lunch. During the trip, each student is assigned to be a tour guide. From Makassar city to Barru Regency, it takes about 3 hours.

We arrived at kupa beach restaurant, barru district. There we were welcomed by the owner of a welcome drink restaurant. Like the color of milk but not the taste of milk. Like the taste of coconut milk, but delicious and fresh to drink. After that we had lunch together, pray, rest and then continue the journey to Bambapuang, Enrekang Regency. From Barru Regency to Bambapuang, it takes around 3-4 hours.

In Bambapuang, Enrekang District, we did a coffee break and enjoyed the beauty of "Mount Miss". Miss Nona is also one of the tourist attractions in Enrekang Regency. Besides being able to do coffee breaks in Bambapuang, you can also buy ole ole typical of Enrekang district because there are so many different types of food that can be used as ole ole. After traveling from Bambapuang we continued our journey to Toraja Regency, it was great to be able to set foot again in Tana Toraja.

 The place is so beautiful with the characteristics of the Tongkonannya house and is one of the places I wanted to go to when I was in high school. We arrived at the senses hotel to check in, and our tour leader gave directions to get ready to do dinner at the penyet ria chicken. And our last activity was closed overnight.Our first day trip was spent on the road because from Makassar city to Toraja district it was very far and took around 8-11 hours.

Day 02

Our activity on the second day was started with breakfast at the senses hotel and continued with a trip to Timenbayo. At Timenbayo we enjoy the beautiful views of northern Toraja. After timenbayo we continued our journey to Lokomata. Along the road to our locomata we were amazed by the beauty of very thick dew.

Arriving at the locomata, we observed the stone grave. And while the observation was taking place we met a tourist from America along with a local guide. These tourists and guides taught us a lot. Tourists tell us how the tracking experience he did. And Gudie tour explained to us about the history of the tongkonan, tedong and stone grave houses in Toraja. After that we continued our activities on foot to the restaurant mentiro tiko.

Along the way we saw a number of Toraja communities doing mutual cooperation activities. The activity aims to replace stones from the tongkonan house as well as to tighten the ties of the Toraja community itself. The men work pushing stones using ropes and pick-up cars while women are in charge of preparing food for those who work. In addition, along the way we also saw many new stone graves were dug. And the scenery that we found was very beautiful.

We arrived at the restaurant, we had lunch, rest for a while while performing prayers. After about 1 hour we were ordered to take the bus and go to the next tourist spot, namely to the starting point of the Bangko.

We also did tracking from the Lempo to Bori. During the trip, we were accompanied by views of a vast expanse of rice fields with cool breeze that has not been polluted by pollution. Morning or evening is the right time to visit.We also visited baby grave. Baby grave is a stone grave made by Toraja people to bury babies under the age of six months. They were buried in a tree called 'Tara'. And it is said that the tare tree has a lot of latex which is believed to give breast milk to the baby in the tomb. Also when visiting baby grave we accidentally met with tourists from France. He taught us many things including teaching us the language.After baby grave we proceed to the next tourist attraction, Bori ’Kalimbuang. This tourism object is one of UNESCO's world heritages which is located on the Poros Barana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean District, North Toraja Regency. These rocks are not through natural processes, but are formed in advance and planted in the ground. The formation and planting of stones cannot be done by just anyone.

We rested for a moment and sat on the edge of the rice fields while enjoying the beautiful view of Tana Toraja. When we were resting, we saw many tourists passing by and many people in Toraja were wearing black clothes, which they said would do solo signs. We really want to see it but time and schedule do not allow us. So we continued our journey.And the last place we visited was todi. Todi is a place that sells typical Ole Ole Toraja. In addition, there we can see firsthand the weaving process carried out directly by the Toraja community itself. A very nice place to visit to buy Ole Ole in North Toraja. After from todi we returned to the hotel, dinner and over night.

Day 03
Our third day starts with checking out the hotel and having breakfast. After breakfast we went shopping at Ole Ole at the Toraja traditional market. In the traditional Toraja market, there are many Toraja tribal souvenirs and toraja special foods.But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada. Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja. 

But we were only given 1 hour to shop and the next trip was to continue to lakipada. Lakipadada is a descendant of Puang Tamboro Langi, who also was the first king with the nickname Puang Tomatasak I in tana toraja.

After from lakipadada we continued our journey home to return to Makassar. We do lunch in the town of Parepare right terrace restaurant empang and dinner at the restaurant of the dream city of Maros. After that we arrived at the campus safely.

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2N 1N

Report on Sea Field Travel on Dutungan Island and Paputo Beach
 Hello friends ... Assalamualaikum. How are you now? I hope you are alright. Usually, to get to know someone, we must first get acquainted. So, let me introduce myself. My name is Fitri. And this is my first blog. On 10 - 11 October 2019, we have conducted Marine Field Trip for 2 days 1 night. We visited Dutungan Island in Barru District, and Paputo Beach in Pare-Pare City. Our trip was very pleasant. Do you want to know? Alright, I will tell my experience. So, before leaving we had done a simulation to become a tour guide. We were guided by our seniors named Sardika and Didit. They were very kind and fun, we were also allowed to ask questions about them, and they gave tips and tricks on how to be a fun and interesting tour guide. Day 1 On October 10, 2019, precisely on Thursday, we gather in front of the orange building before 6:00 in the morning, because we will be absent at 6:00 in the morning, and for students who pass at 6:00 in the morning, we will be given sanctions that we WB. And we were given luggage tags to put in our bags respectively. At 07.00 in the morning, we immediately took the bus and sat according to the chairs arranged. After everyone sits neatly on the bus, we explain as a tour guide on the bus while traveling alternately according to the scheduled performance schedule. We pay attention to each other's direction given by our friends. during the walk we really enjoyed your trip and the driver took us safely to the destination. and we we headed to one of the islands in Barru called Durungan Island. during the walk we really enjoyed our trip and the driver took us safely to our destination. and we we headed to one of the islands in Barru called Durungan Island our activity there was diving

After we did diving activities on the island of dutungan we headed to the Delima Sari hotel to check in and prepare dinner at the penyet ria chicken restaurant. after we had dinner at the restaurant we returned to the hotel to prepare a group presentation. After our presentation, each group showed performances. after that we returned to our respective rooms to rest.


At 04.30 we made a morning call there were some of our friends who served on the morning call. after that we were all ready to go to the habibi and Ainun monuments. After that we returned to the hotel to get ready to check out and have breakfast, after breakfast we headed to the white sand beach of Paputo to observe the location.


After we made observations in paputo, we headed to the new empang terrace for lunch but that day was friday so we were separated because men headed for the Friday prayer mosque and women departed first on the new empang terrace and we enjoyed our lunch happily.

 After we had lunch at the new terrace empang we returned to Makassar and we arrived safely okay maybe I can tell you about my experience waiting for my next story in the next field trip.

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